วันศุกร์ที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

Getting into “Jod Muay” basic guard position

Jod Muay or Jod Mud have 3 step

Step 1: Stand straight, feet together, hands by the sides
Step 2: Spread feet approximately shoulder width apart, hands crossed in front of your face
Step 3: Take left foot 1 step forward parallel to right foot (at the back); body and feet turned 45 degrees. Raise the left fist to cover the point between your eyebrows (Unalom) and bring your fist forward (still at the same level) until it is approximately 12 inches in front of Unalom. (Keep elbows slightly tucked in). Station your right fist to cover the chin / Adam's apple and then bring it forward - your right fist should be about 3 inches from intersecting at the midpoint of your left forearm, but not touching. Right elbow comfortably held close to the body. Stay relaxed and loose.
